Tuesday 4 September 2012

So this blogger/writer has got her claws on me.
Am Not a regular blog writer. Infact this is the first time i signed up and am gonna write bout somethin i need to. I've written a couple pages but that's way Private nd Handwritten.

So, gettin back 2 my story, she has been a childhood friend of mine. We used to be in the same class used to travel in the same rickshaw and we have couple of childhood memories of which am not sure whether they are so special to her. Well, not sayin dat m obsessed wid such memories but, now dat i got talkin to her i crave 4 her attention. Y ? I seriously have no answer... Curiosity ? Attraction/Infatutation, Affection, etc might be some of the many cases. Really speakin, i wont even meet her until i don go back 2 my hometown which is across the oceans ...

So yes i have emigrated(yes it's emigrated, try to break it down) and i won't be able to ever see her and have the joy of a "touch of someone you always crave to talk to". But. dat's allright cuz dat way i even like kim kardashian... But no ... "I don't know y i m stuck there ?"

Now lets put light on some other facts.
I think she has the determination of friendzoning...
I think dats her habit...   She s done dat a lot of times b4... I know...   But dis time i think its clingy 4 both of us...  

She is never going to accept it...   And she has refused to the facts that say my behaviour affects her moods...  But, but , but....
There's a possibility that this is actually a one sided thing...  And there might be a facade over her face, or it's her friendzoning tactics...

I m Totally not sure wod it is...     i ve done crazy things sometimes...   Not too crazy but a bit crazy...  I.E: like gettin angry at people when she did not respond properly,,,  She has been way stable i guess... She cant be as crazy as i am... Atleast dats wod i think ....    Wod if she actually is... ?????

Question Mark ????\

Stuck ????

God...   I even think she sometimes uploads pictures to instigate me to talk to her... I guess a girl does dat wen she s excited or somethin like dat...

Some other facts...

We r opposites in astrology... Opposite signs...  Same date of birth with diff year and diff month... She's Older...  See how i talk positively even when much things don't match....  LOL

Like i am totally stuck here... I try to talk to her when its night in her city and day in my city... Funny Right !!!  

I m guessin i am going to stop talkin 2 her...
But... Now she s started tweetin such friendzoning tactics that makes me wanna spy her !!!
I ain't liking this...
Y does she have to do this...

May be cuz she s socially hungry  ??    she loves to write blogs bout her life and things that matter to her ?????

YYYYYY ???????

You know wod kinda experiments these writer people can indulge into ????  Right ???
They r totally into there own dreamworld... \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\sorry if i offended there !!!!
Can;t trust em,,,
Help me out if someone's been through similar things...